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tree height中文是什么意思

用"tree height"造句"tree height"怎么读"tree height" in a sentence


  • 树高


  • By using the total station , the accuracy of tree height measurement can reach 1 / 1400 ; that of volume measurement can reach 1 / 200
  • Birds boost tree height up to 33 percent by munching on pesky parasites that can literally suck the life out of the tall - growing plants , a new study shows
    根据一项新研究显示,鸟儿嚼食讨厌的寄生虫,可以促进树木的高度增加达33 % ,因为寄生虫会把树木的生命力吸食殆尽。
  • A medium - thick shelterbelt can reduce wind velocity by more than 10 percent to a distance of 20 times the tree height on the leeward side and three times the height to the windward
    中等厚度的防风林在背风侧可在20倍于树高的距离而在迎风侧则在3倍于树高的距离上减小风速10 %以上。
  • Total station , an electronic precise geodesic instrument , has been used in surveying forest area and tree height from 1990s in many developed countries , such as u
  • Result showed that different waterlogging depths have obvious effects on tree height , diameter at breast height , under branch height , trunk morphological structure , stem base form , and growth process
  • By using the total station , the surveyors can determine a set of measurable factors , such as upper diameter , diameter at breast - height and tree height , and then calculate the volume
    其测量树高的精度可达1 / 1400 ,测量任一处直径的精度可达1 / 200 ,且均高于其它测树方法的精度,完全能够满足林业测量的精度要求。
  • Through the stand investigation by setting up the sample site , the investigation results showed that the average dbh of 15 - year - old alniqhtllm fortunei planted under nature was 60 % larger than that of 17 - year - old pinus massoniana plantation under the same condition , the average tree height of the above was 38 % larger than that of the latter , the average single - tree volume of the above was 3 . 2 times higher than that of the latter , the above showed the absolute dominance in stands
    摘要设立标准地进行林分调查,在标准地中选取拟赤杨标准木进行树干解析,采用生长对比方式分析拟赤杨在马尾松人工林中的生长情况,调查结果表明,在同一环境条件下, 15年生天然下种的拟赤杨比17年生马尾松人工林平均胸径大60 % ,平均树高高38 % ,平均单株材积大3 . 2倍,在林分中表现出绝对优势。
  • The experimental results show that the characters of tree height , dbh , and volume , etc . of every family progenies of pinus massoniana seed orchard are all evidently higher than those of control ( ck ) , 7 fine family materials whose volume growth exceeds the control ' s by 50 % are totally selected as the materials for building p . massoniana improved seed orchard and industrial raw material forest
    摘要对漳平五一国有林场马尾松种子园18个初选家系进行子代测定,采用随机区组设计、 8次重复,对6年生的树高、胸径、材积等性状进行测定,试验结果表明:马尾松种子园各家系子代均明显高于对照( ck ) ,共选出7个优良家系材积生长超过对照50 %以上材料,作为营建马尾松改良种子园和工业原料林的材料。
  • The variable parameter taper equation was built with diameter determination datas of different parts of cryptomeria fortunei plantation sample wood , in combination with the relative tree height curve mode and other assistant equations , volume table of c . fortunei plantation standing was compiled , and provided the scientific basis for the production and application
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